PAARI AmeriCorps: Host Site Call for Applications
2018-2019 Program Year
The Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative (PAARI) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help law enforcement agencies nationwide create non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery. Founded alongside the groundbreaking Gloucester Police Department Angel Initiative in June 2015, PAARI has been a driving force behind this rapidly expanding community policing movement. We provide technical assistance, coaching, grants, and other capacity-building resources to more than 400 police departments in 32 states. We currently work with more than 80 law enforcement agencies in Massachusetts alone. PAARI and our law enforcement partners are working towards a collective vision where non-arrest diversion programs become a standard policing practice across the country, thereby reducing overdose deaths, expanding access to treatment, improving public safety, reducing crime, diverting people away from the criminal justice system, and increasing trust between law enforcement and their communities. In addition to building the capacity of law enforcement agencies, PAARI works to reduce stigma, educate the media and lawmakers, and influence state and national policy to expand access to treatment on demand. Learn more at
PAARI-AmeriCorps Project Summary: Through PAARI’s work across the country, we recognize that police have a front row seat to the opioid epidemic and are in a unique position to save lives. This program leverages the power of national service and the power of the recovery community improve the effectiveness of police-led programs. This three year pilot project places members into service at host police department departments across Massachusetts, assisting with police-led addiction and recovery programs, either as Recovery Coaches or Capacity Building Fellows, in direct response to the growing opioid epidemic. Our first year cohort involves a team of 22 members who are serving 53 police departments and law enforcement agencies across Massachusetts, where they help build the capacity of law enforcement programs, prevent overdose deaths, and provide vital resources to community members with substance use disorders and their loved ones.
Call for Applications: PAARI is now accepting applications from Massachusetts law enforcement agencies to host one or more PAARI-AmeriCorps member for the 2018-2019 program year (October 2018-August 2019). This is the second year of a three year pilot project, funded in part by the Massachusetts Service Alliance and the Corporation for National and Community Service. If selected, law enforcement host sites will have one or more PAARI-AmeriCorps members embedded directly in their department, supporting their department’s efforts to address the opioid epidemic and connect people with substance use disorders to treatment. Applying agencies can follow an intake model, outreach model, or some variation or combination thereof that connects people to treatment and recovery support services. There are two different PAARI-AmeriCorps positions available and agencies may apply to host one or more PAARI-AmeriCorps member, in the quantity and combination of positions that best suits your community and department’s needs. We also allow police departments to apply as a group if your program model lends itself to sharing one or more member.
Capacity Building Fellow (40 hours per week, 5-10 positions available statewide): PAARI-AmeriCorps members in the Capacity Building Fellow role will work to enhance your program’s reach and effectiveness. Activities that support this objective could include building community partnerships, strengthening data systems, developing community resource kits, developing manuals, providing trainings, developing marketing materials, fundraising, managing volunteers, holding events, creating or supporting coalitions, and more.
Recovery Coach (20 hours per week, 15-20 positions available statewide): PAARI-AmeriCorps members in the Recovery Coach role will assist individuals struggling with substance use disorders by making referrals to treatment and removing barriers to recovery support services. Recovery Coaches can be incorporated into various program activities, including making treatment referrals for individuals who present to the station for help, co-responding on overdose calls, accompanying officers on home outreach visits following a nonfatal overdose, working as team with embedded clinicians and/or social workers, and more. The ideal profile of a Recovery Coach is someone who has relevant lived experience, including those personally in recovery for a minimum of two years.
PAARI Responsibilities: PAARI will provide a member living allowance, training, insurance, payroll administration, a Chromebook, office supplies, gear, a phone number and email, and ongoing supervision and support. Full time members may be eligible for additional benefits, including childcare vouchers and health insurance. Member training for both positions includes 60 hours of training and at least 35 hours of qualified supervision towards the Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC) credential. PAARI will also oversee candidate recruitment, screening, and selection, with involvement from the host sites and the opportunity for host sites to interview candidates. PAARI can also provide public relations and media support on this project.
Host Site Requirements: If selected as a member host site, you will be required to sign a project MOU, attend a half-day orientation, work with your member or members to create a service plan, designate a host site supervisor, provide weekly one-on-one supervision check in, participate in the member interview and selection process, provide a suitable workspace including internet connectivity (note that this can be a shared workspace), display required signage, sign twice monthly timesheets, maintain regular communication with PAARI, complete a mid-year and year-end evaluation, and meet other grant reporting requirements as requested and/or contained within the host site manual. In an effort to ensure the sustainability of the program, we also have a strong preference for host sites who intend to create and fund staff positions to support their program after the completion of the 2018-2019 PAARI-AmeriCorps program year. Further, as per the grant guidelines, there is a $5,000 host site match for each full-time Capacity Building Fellow and a $2,000 host site match for each half-time Recovery Coach that your department is selected to host. PAARI has a limited number of scholarships available for departments that would like to participate but are unable to contribute all or part of the host site match.
How to Apply: Online applications for the 2018-2019 program year are now being accepted. We expect the process to be competitive and therefore encourage interested law enforcement agencies to apply as soon as possible. Your agency may apply to host one or more PAARI-AmeriCorps member, in the quantity and combination of positions that best suits your community and department’s needs. We also allow police departments to apply as a group if your program model lends itself to sharing one or more member. Note that this opportunity is open to PAARI-affiliated law enforcement agencies, so by applying for this grant, your department will be automatically added as a PAARI partner if you are not one already (free of cost). Decisions will be made by mid-July 2018 and members will begin training 1 October 2018.
Note that 2017-2018 program year host sites do not need to complete a new application for the 2018-2019 program year.
To apply to become a host site for for the 2018-2019 program year, please fill out the online form:
Questions: If you have any questions, please contact Allie Hunter McDade, Executive Director, at or 508-212-9831.
You may also reach out to the following police departments, who are hosting PAARI-AmeriCorps members during the 2017-2018 program year: Chief Scott Allen, East Bridgewater Police Department,; Captain Greg Skehan, Burlington Police Department,; Deputy Chief Lenny Desmarais, Lynn Police Department,; Gary Barrett, Essex County Sheriff’s Department Detox Unit, A list of current PAARI-AmeriCorps members and their host sites can also be found here.