On September 10, 2024, the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) held its inaugural Emerging Threats Symposium. The full-day event, hosted at the Beverly Police Department in Massachusetts, welcomed more than 25 in-person attendees and 252 online participants.
The symposium aimed to address some of the most pressing emerging threats in public health and safety. Speakers from across the region discussed topics such as xylazine, alcohol use disorder, cannabis use disorder, and stimulant use disorders. Additionally, the event featured the latest trends observed by the DEA.
Below was the line-up of the day, including videos of all sessions:
- Alcohol Use Disorder – Watch HERE
- Dr. David Rosenbloom – Ret. Professor, Boston University School of Public Health
- Dr. Amy Fitzpatrick – Primary Care Physician, Boston Medical Center
- Cannabis Use Disorder – Watch HERE
- Tanya Gouveia – Owner and Operator, Addiction Recovery Counseling, LLC
- Drug Interdiction Overview – Watch HERE
- Amanda Consigli – Public Health Analyst, New England HIDTA
- Mike Sampson – Drug Intelligence Officer, New England HIDTA
- Xylazine + Stimulant Use Disorder – Watch HERE
- Dr. Traci Green – Director, Opioid Policy Research Collaborative
- Justin Alves – Clinical Nurse Educator, Boston Medical Center
PAARI looks forward to continuing this crucial work and hosting future events that address emerging threats in the field of deflection.