Board Member
Mariann Bucina Roca is the Executive Director of Friends of Boston Homeless.
Mariann has over 20 years fundraising and development experience with non-profit/non-governmental organizations in the U.S. and in Latin America. She has worked for major international organizations including The Nature Conservancy and Audubon Society to develop and implement fundraising strategies, and has served on the Board of Directors of several international non-profit organizations. Mariann has worked with Friends of Boston’s Homeless since 1997, and was promoted from Associate Director-Development to Executive Director in 1999. In her role as Executive Director, she is responsible for raising private-sector funds and increasing community engagement for the vital programs and services run by Friends’ public partner, Boston Public Health Commission’s Homeless Services. She has a Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin, Madison. She also became a Big Sister through Big Sister Association of Greater Boston.