Chief of police for Yarmouth Police Department
Chief Lennon is a dedicated law enforcement professional with over 31 years of experience. Chief Lennon has an extensive background and qualifications in training, budgeting, and personnel affairs. Chief Lennon has a reputation for a strong work ethic, community involvement and devotion to service. Chief Lennon started his law enforcement career with the Town of Tisbury in 1991 and moved to the Town of Yarmouth in 1993. Chief Lennon was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2001, promoted to Lieutenant in 2008 and then promoted to Deputy Chief in 2019. Chief Lennon was sworn in as Chief for the Yarmouth Police Department on November 1, 2022.
Chief Lennon has an associate degree in Criminal Justice, a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, a master’s degree in Public Administration and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Class 233. Chief Lennon is a member of Rotary International and is a past president of the Rotary Club of Yarmouth.