P.A.A.R.I. is pleased to announce that the Gloucester Angel Initiative will be featured on WCVB’s Chronicle at 7:30 p.m. this evening. The airing comes just after the Angel Initiative celebrated its two year anniversary at the beginning of June. The show will also be live streamed on wcvb.com/chronicle.
Boston Globe Article Highlights Fishing Industry’s Effort to Tackle Opioid Epidemic, Partnership with P.A.A.R.I.
In an article titled, “State’s fishing fleet confronts an opioid problem,” the Boston Globe highlights the Gloucester fishing industry’s push to be better equipped to handle the nation’s opioid epidemic.
P.A.A.R.I. Co-founder John Rosenthal Featured in Cambridge Health Alliance Video
P.A.A.R.I. Leonard Campanello, Co-Founder John Rosenthal, Co-founder & Chairman One Bridge St., Suite #300 Newton, MA 02458 For Immediate Release Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 Contact: John Guilfoil (PAARI) Phone: 617-993-0003 Email: john@jgpr.net P.A.A.R.I. Co-founder John Rosenthal Featured in Cambridge Health Alliance Video P.A.A.R.I. co-founder John Rosenthal was recently featured in a video on Cambridge Health Alliance’s […]
*Media Advisory* P.A.A.R.I. Hosts One Year Anniversary Celebration
GLOUCESTER — Police Chief Leonard Campanello and John Rosenthal, co-founders of the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (P.A.A.R.I.), are pleased to announce that a celebration of the One Year Anniversary of P.A.A.R.I. and the Gloucester ANGEL Initiative will take place this week.
WATCH LIVE: John Rosenthal at Washington Post “Addiction in America” Event
Addiction in America @ The Washington Post | May 4, 2016, 9 – 11 a.m. Watch a live stream of the full program above. PAARI Co-Founder John Rosenthal will take part in a Coffee@WaPo event discussing addiction in America. John will join Svante L. Myrick, the mayor of Ithaca, N.Y.; Jason Snyder, Policy and communications […]
Video: Chief Campanello Named National Champion of Change (CBS)
National CBS correspondent Kenneth Craig was in Washington, D.C. covering an event at the White House at which Chief Leonard Campanello was named a Champion of Change. Craig spoke with the Chief about his revolutionary addiction recovery program — here is a video with coverage from the day: